A Feature Film

A borderless autistic person wants to get his driver’s license to prove he can function normally in the world around him, but the question arises “what is actually normal?
With this tragicomic love story KAIN, we are making a film inspired by the life and brilliant thinking of our friend Daniël Gellvoet who lives in a residential group for people with autism in the heart of Amsterdam. Daniël often feels that he is seen as “not normal,” and this unintentionally places him outside of society.

Why is this film important?
In KAIN, we address some current and socially relevant themes surrounding autism, such as self-acceptance, perception and exclusion. In a moving and comical film, a love story, we show how a person with autism perceives society, especially our social manners, the roles we assume and the masks we wear as individuals. These contradictions are sometimes very difficult for a person with autism to understand. Through the experience of KAIN, we become more aware about ourselves and our social forms of behavior. We are making this film for a wide audience because this film is about all of us.
Not just ABOUT but WITH
KAIN is a heartfelt story about the struggle of a person with autism in a neurotypical society that does not take him at face value. A society in which he cannot fully participate. The film will not only be ABOUT Daniel, but -and this is essential- will be made WITH him. Daniel will play the lead role of KAIN. We will give him what he needs: a place in society.

We have a great team! Writer: Ellen Barendrecht, Producer: Mildred Roethof, Creative Producer: Aliefka Bijlsma, Executive Producer: Wiendelt Hooijer, Lead role: Daniel Gellvoet – Production Company: Human Nature Films and Co Production: We Need Dreams Foundation.
In September 2023, we’ll be applying for the realisation subsidy at the Dutch Film Fund. In order to apply we need to self-finance at least €50,000. We plan to do this through involved funds, companies and crowdfunding. Fingers crossed!
Check out our crowdfund film – and visit the crowdfund page